School of Fototechnik
An Institution of Photography

Introducing Shortly - Split (Online-Offline) Courses
It is indubitable that a practical oriented subject like Photography can not be learnt through Online Courses without Practical Classes.
Courses at School of Fototechnik
Course Pre-requisites & Aptitude Test
Fototechnik Intensive Course in Photography
Candidates must have passed 10th Class and have attained 16 years of age.
Qualify in Aptitude Test.
Fototechnik Certificate Course on Digital Editing and Image Enhancement
Adequate experience in using Digital Cameras.
Qualify in Aptitude Test.
Fototechnik Diploma for Proficiency in Photography
Candidates must have passed 10th Class and have attained 16 years of age.
Qualify in Aptitude Test.
Fototechnik Diploma for Mastery in Photography
Candidates must have completed the Fototechnik Diploma for Proficiency in Photography.
Course Contents
Fototechnik Intensive Course in Photography
Introduction: Brief history & Basic Science of photography
Camera: Pin-hole to Digital Cameras with Demonstration
Lenses: Photographic lenses, Types of lenses with Demonstration
Light Sensitive Materials: BW & Colour films, Digital Sensors their Types & sizes, Characteristics – Sensitivity, contrast, graininess, spectral sensitivity, Resolution, colour temperature
Light: Fundamentals, daylight & artificial light, lighting techniques, lighting for Studio Still life & Portraiture
Exposure: Relationship with light intensity & Sensitivity. Exposure controls – aperture & shutter speed. Daylight & Artificial Light Exposures. Exposure meters. Effects of aperture & shutter speed, Exposure functions in Electronic Cameras
Electronic Flash: Guide Number, Synchronisation, Flash Exposure, Thyristor and TTL Flash, Studio Flash and accessories.
Depth of Field: Measurement of sharpness. Circle of confusion. Hyperfocal distance. Variables controlling Depth of Field.
Aesthetics of a Picture: Elements of a picture. Photographic composition. Forms, feelings, balance, cohesion & aesthetics
Filters: Types & Filter Factor. Filters in B/W & Colour photography. Digital Photography:
Film & Digital – a comparison File Formats, Resolution, Compatibilities,
Digital Camera – Functions & Settings
Computer Hardware & Software,
Introduction to PhotoShop
Studio Shoots: Still-life, Portraits and Close-ups with Studio Flash. Event Shoots with Portable Flash
Outing: Shooting Birds & Animals, Human activities & Monument
Image Editing: Controlling Brightness & Contrast, Levels, Burning & Dodging Tools, Conversion to BW, Image size, Resolution, Colour correction, Using selection tools
Accessories & Camera Care, Storage of equipment & images.
Applications of Photography Studio, Wedding, Advertising, Architecture, Stage performance, Nature & Wildlife, Scientific & Photojournalism.
Portfolio submission
Fototechnik Certificate Course on Digital Editing and Image Enhancement
Introduction to Adobe PhotoShop:
Photoshop Workspace, Menu Bar, Work Area, Status Bar, Active Image Area, Tool Box, Option Bar, Palettes, Floating Palettes, New Window, Duplicate Image.
Setting up Adobe PhotoShop: Adobe Photoshop Preferences.
PhotpoShop Tools and Options: Brightness Contrast, Levels, Exposure, Burning, Dodging, Hue & Saturation, Conversion to Black & White using Greyscale, De-saturation, Channel Mixer.
Selection Tools, Lasso & Magic Wand, Colour Range, Saving Selections, Transforming Selections, Quick Mask, Feather, Retouching Tools, Cloning, Healing, Patching, Eraser Tool, Painting Tools, Paint Bucket and Fill Command, Gradient, Pencil & Paint Brush, Colour Corrections with Levels, Selective Colours & Variations.
PhotpoShop Layers: Adjustment Layers, Move Copy & Transform Layers, Selecting Layers, Group & Ungroup Layers, Masking Layers, Merging, Blending, Layer Effects and Style.
PhotpoShop Filters: Sharpening Tool, Sharpening Filter, Different Methods, Selective Sharpening.
Special Effects using PhotoShop: Applying Filters and Special Effects, Bas-Relief, Tone Separation, Composite, Trace Contour. HDR and Panorama.
Using Text in PhotoShop: Type or Text Tool, Shading, Blending, Transforming.
Optimising image in PhotoShop: Image Size, Resolution, Interpolation Methods, Canvas Size, Saving Images.
Assignments: BW Conversion, Perspective Correction, Panorama Stitching, HDR Imaging,
Making Bas-Relief, Tone Separation and Composites.
Practical Examination.
Viva voce.
Portfolio submission
Fototechnik Diploma for Proficiency in Photography
Camera: Pin-hole to Digital Cameras with demonstration
Light Sensitive Materials: Digital Sensors and films - sensitivity, contrast, graininess, noise, spectral
sensitivity, resolution and colour temperature
Light: Fundamentals, daylight & artificial light, lighting techniques.
Exposure: Intensity & sensitivity, Exposure controls, Daylight & Artificial Light Exposures, Effects of aperture & shutter speed, Exposure Metering systems, Incident, Reflected and Flash Meters.
Electronic Flash: Guide Number, Synchronisation, Thyristor & TTL Flash, Portable & Studio Flash Units, Accessories for Studio Flash.
Lenses: Type of lenses, their application in photography, Angle of view, Magnification, Resolving power. Demonstration of lenses.
Depth of Field: Measurement of sharpness, Circle of confusion, Hyperfocal distance, Variables controlling Depth of Field.
Aesthetics of a Picture: Elements of a picture, Photographic composition, Forms, feelings, balance, cohesion & aesthetics
Filters: Types, Filter Factor. Uses in B/W, Colour & Digital photography.
Digital Photography: Introduction, Film & Digital – a comparison. File Formats, Resolution, Compatibilities, Functions & Settings
Useful Accessories & Camera Care: Common accessories, Care & maintenance, Storage of images.
Applications of Photography: Studio, Wedding, Advertising, Architecture, Stage Performance, Nature & Wildlife, Scientific, Photojournalism, Digital, Electronic Imaging
Studio Shoot: Still-life, Portrait, Close-ups.
Event Shoot: Shoot with Portable Flash.
Outdoor photography: Birds, Animals, Human activities, Monument.
Evaluation: Shooting Defects - identification causes & remedies.
Image editing: Controlling Brightness & Contrast/Levels/Burning & Dodging Tools/Conversion to BW / Image size/Resolution/Colour correction/Using selection tools.
Mid-Term Examination – objective type.
Assignment - descriptive type.
Final theory examination – descriptive type.
Final practical examination.
Portfolio submission
Fototechnik Diploma for Mastery in Photography
Zone System of Photography: Concepts, 18% Grey, Using Reflected, Incident and Flash meters.
Sensitometry: Response curve, characteristic curve, Gamma value, Subject brightness range & Exposure latitude.
Outing: Photographing with Contre-jour lighting, Daylight portraits, Panning shots, Market, Festivals, Fairs, Architecture and landscapes.
Visual Perception: Theory; Figure ground relationship; Illusions.
Viewing angles; Perspective; Symmetry & Asymmetry
Colour Photography: Additive & Subtractive Colours. Colour Composition, Harmony and Balance; Psychology of colour.
Art appreciation: Group critiquing on famous pictures. Art appreciation & criticism.
Shooting techniques: Multiple exposures; Zooming; Focus tracking; astronomical shots; Night exposures; Open Flash; Panning.
Lighting techniques: Studio flash:- Reflectors; Barn doors, cutters; Snoot; Mini spot; Umbrella; Soft box, Strip light; Light Panel; Honey comb; Gobo; Choice & Impact of Backgrounds; Creating different lighting set-ups: Dark Field & Bright Field Illumination; Axial lighting, Lieberkuhn Lighting, Rim and Ring Lighting, Lighting Scientific Objects.
Controlling distortions: Vignetting ; Photogram; Bas-relief; Tone down; Tone separation; Solarization; Texture addition; Superimposition; Montage.
Photomacrography & Slide copying, Use of Close-up lens, Extension Tube & Extension Bellows, Reversal Rings, Macro Lens.
Effect of exposure: Shooting over, correct & under exposures;
Evaluating the exposure variations through Histogram.
Adobe PhotoShop: Preferences – Brightness & Contrast, Levels, Burning & Dodging, Cloning and other Tools – Palettes Hue & Saturation, Curve, Sharpening – Layers, Transformation to control Perspective, High Dynamic Range Images, Panoramic images by stitching.
Special Effects: Digital Bas-Relief, Tone Separation, Composites.
Studio Shooting with Special Lighting Techniques: Shooting with Mixed Light. Shooting Textures for Superimposition.
Shooting with Multiple Exposure options.
Shooting Sessions: Product Photography, Model Photography, Pictorial Portrait, Pictorial Still-life, Pictorial Table-top, Food Shots.
Assignments: Selective focus, Unusual angles, Warm & Cool colours,
Harmonious colours, Hard & Soft light, Humorous picture; Street Children;
Pavement Hawkers; Market place; Candid outdoor people; Night shots –
Streets, Markets, Performances, lit-up buildings & use of open flash.
Group critiquing of each other's portfolio
Final theory examination – descriptive type.
Assignment - descriptive type.
Final Practical Examination
Portfolio submission